Tips to Prepare Youth for Employment

Tips for Parents:

Expect your Child to Work – Some of the greatest lessons growing up are learned by work experiences. It’s not just about money.

Don’t Gripe about the Inconveniences – If getting your child to and from work is inconvenient, remember, so were diapers, and preschool.  Don’t give them the excuse to hang out all summer.

Guide your Child to Jobs that Help them Grow – Work like bussing tables or cleaning rooms is not “beneath them”. Everyone starts somewhere.

Talk to Your Child about Work Experiences – Find out what they are learning.  Ask about experiences and use these as teaching moments.

Start teaching Your Child the Power of Saving – Nothing can motivate some children more than watching their piggy bank grow.  It’s a powerful source of pride and independence which will carry on through their life.

Teach them to Give Too – The power of giving, while intrinsic, needs cultivated.  Giving enhances compassion and empathy towards others.

Tips for Employers:

Grow your Team– Spend more time with your staff as a group asking how they see things working.  Seek ways to incorporate suggestions into work flow. Engagement in employees is directly correlated to how they feel connected to the process.

Answer the “Why?” – It is always easier to focus on a goal with a strong understanding of the “Why”.  While this may seem intuitive- constant reinforcement of Why you do what you do will help employee engagement, and it may help you too!

Train the System, Not the Task –   People are more engaged if they understand their part in the bigger picture.  When they do, their attention to their task and on the quality of the final product is greatly enhanced.

Don’t Hate the TechnologyUse It!   – Information is power!  While Boomers hate the “gadgets”, these gadgets open doors to innovation and creativity that can not only engage your employees, but also empower your company.

Flexibility Matters – Boomers struggle with work schedules that stray from the 8-5 “normal” schedule.  But in the big scheme of things, most jobs don’t require those hours. Ask yourself, is the work more important or the hours?  Evaluate performance based on results not on time.  

Hire for Skills and Abilities – Not on Job Descriptions – Every job requires a specific set of skills.  If you focus on those that are most important for your company, the “right” fit may be more evident.

Clear Communication – Employees who spend their free time texting, are conditioned to very short messages.   As you give instructions to your employees, keep it short and simple. Tell them what time it is, don’t build them a clock.

Make It Fun – No one is attracted to drudgery … and really, the right attitude can make every job fun.  Seek ways to add some fun into what you do. Think Pike Street Market!