Bring ‘Em Back Home

The Best Companies to Recruit

Each day in America, over 7,000 economic development organizations are making a pitch to woo businesses to their community.  Many communities have found this to be an expensive and futile effort. Statistically speaking, the success rate for recruitment is less than 10%.  

Much like the dating game, communities are compelled to put their best foot forward as they “court” the company. However, as competition for companies increases, so does the need to “incentivize” the recruitment.  For communities like Cody, we simply can’t afford the price of the incentives needed to recruit companies. So rather than spend capital on recruitment, we’ve directed our efforts toward working with the people who are already here.  They’ve proven to be our best opportunity for business growth

In thinking about this, it has occurred to the Forward Cody leadership that similar logic can also apply to recruitment.  You go with who you know!   So, consider this for a moment.  A successful business recruitment is one where business and the community interests and goals are compatible.   Therefore, the emphasis is more on the relationship. The more the recruit knows about the community, both the good and the bad, the more comfortable they can be about the decision.  

Afterall, doesn’t it make sense to focus recruitment efforts -not on the company- but on the people?  Especially those we already know. We all know people who left here, carved out their niche in the world and are ready to come home.

Bring ‘Em Back Home is the tagline for a program being launched this summer by Forward Cody.  As the name implies, we are seeking people who have called Cody – “Home” at some point in their life.  It’s a natural first step in recruiting businesses as we already know them!

As the staff leader for Forward Cody, I can call every CEO in the country to discuss relocation.  I might get a return call. However, I can guarantee you that if Mom, Grandma or an old friend call, the call will be answered.  The key to Bring ‘Em Back Home is you!  Here’s why we think it works.

Our effort has two components.  The first component is to recruit Cody High School graduates.  This effort will reach out to former high school graduates, who experienced the quality of our school system which provided the basis for their success.  

Many of these students left upon graduation and return infrequently for holidays or family gatherings.  We’ve all felt the urge to “shed this sleepy little town, go out and see the world. And while it’s a good thing to see other places and gain new experiences, it’s not long before we find ourselves in a place in life where we need to settle down.  Perhaps we’ve married, had a few children and are now faced with a critical decision – Where do you want your kids to grow up?   Often, that sleepy little town looks like a lot better answer than the big city.  We all wish for our children to have the opportunities which we had. The safe neighborhoods, old family friends, quality schools and the presence of family are very compelling reasons to come home.  Most former graduates will see Cody much differently than on the day they moved the tassel over and flung their cap in the air.

Do you know a former graduate who may want to come back, but doesn’t know how to make it happen?  Give them a call. Show them this article. Forward Cody would love to visit about their potential return home!

For the second component of the program, we look to the community to identify prospects – people who left Cody but still maintain a connection.  While there are a host of reasons that people leave, we know that those who do leave, do so grudgingly. Do you know people who have done so but would like to come back?    If so, speak to them, introduce them to the idea and get them in touch with our office. All that’s required is to start the conversation.  

If it works out, we all win!  The community gets the business but ultimately the most important thing happens.  Families and old friends get reconnected. 

It’s why we say – Families Create Lasting Jobs!!! 


The Top Reasons You (or your kids) Should Come Home!

  1. Your family is here! Thanksgiving, Christmas and summer trips aren’t enough.  Family is the most important reason you should come home.  
  2. Great Schools for your Kids! Small class sizes, caring teachers and a wide variety of opportunities to challenge young minds will get your kids as competitive as anywhere!
  3. Safe Neighborhoods to Raise your Kids! You know about the neighborhoods in Cody.  People know each other, watch out for each other and help one another.  Seeing any of that in the big city?
  4. You know the weather! Yep – It blows here.  And sometimes it’s cold.  But you know that we enjoy about 300 beautiful sunshine days a year!
  5. You have clear expectations! No, we don’t have Saks Fifth Avenue or a mall, but we do have small town shops with great variety.  You know what you’re getting – and may be pleasantly surprised at the positive changes over the years.
  6. Small Town – High Amenity Community! What has been created to serve the visiting masses, we get to enjoy all year long!
  7. Outdoors! Nothing more need be said!
  8. Connectivity! When you left, it’s likely the internet didn’t exist.  What also didn’t exist was a fiber to the home network and four levels of redundancy connected to a 100 gigabytes network!  Our connectivity is like driving a hundred lane freeway and you’re the only car. 
  9. Great Business Support! Not only plugging what Forward Cody and our partners can do for you, but the incredible network of local businesses in Cody who love to help each other.
  10. It’s home!   Say that without generating some emotional response. Cody is where you’re from and where you belong!